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Aloe fievetii - 2ga

Aloe fievetii - 2ga

Regular price $34.75 USD
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Aloe fievetii, commonly known as Fievet's Aloe, is an evergreen succulent originating from Madagascar. It forms a stemless or short-stemmed rosette of narrow lanceolate leaves, typically 12-16 inches long, with red-tinged green coloring. The leaves are erect then spreading, with dentate tips and reddish teeth. In late fall to mid-winter, it produces unbranched or once-branched inflorescences, rising nearly 2 feet tall above the leaves, bearing bicolored candy corn flowers with orange buds opening to display bright yellow flowers. This species originates from East-Central Madagascar, where it grows naturally on granite rocks at around 4,000 feet elevation. Named in 1965 to honor Mr. Gerard Fievet, its discoverer, Aloe fievetii prefers full sun and well-drained soil with occasional to very little irrigation. It is hardy down to the high 20°F, adding an exotic touch to gardens, particularly rock gardens, with its unique appearance and bicolored flowers.

This plant was sourced from the IAS

Current Height: 10 in

Container Size: 2ga

USDA Zones: 9b - 11

Frost Tenderness: 27 °F

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